FTA Corporate Tax Guides
Code | Issue date | Topic |
CTGSBR1β | 28/08/23 | Small Business Relief |
CTGRJP1β | 31/08/23 | Registration of Juridical Persons |
CTGGCT1β | 11/09/23 | Corporate Tax: General Guide |
CTGNRP1β | 09/10/23 | Taxable Non-Resident Person |
CTGEXI1β | 16/10/23 | Exempt Income: Dividends and Participation Exemption |
CTGTP1β | 23/10/23 | Transfer Pricing Guide |
CTGACS1β | 06/11/23 | Accounting Standards and Interaction with Corporate Tax |
CTGFSI1β | 16/11/23 | Taxation of Foreign Source Income |
CTGTNP1β | 26/11/23 | Taxation of Natural Persons under the Corporate Tax Law |
CTGEPF1β | 01/12/23 | Exempt Persons: Public Benefit Entities, Pension Funds and Social Security Funds |
CTGEPX1β | 12/12/23 | Taxation of Extractive Business and Non-Extractive Natural Resource Business |
CTGRNP1β | 29/12/23 | Registration of Natural Persons |
CTGTGR1β | 08/01/24 | Tax Groups |
CTGPTN1β | 04/03/24 | Taxation of Partnerships |
CTGQGR1β | 03/04/24 | Qualifying Group Relief |
CTGBRR1β | 17/04/24 | Business Restructuring Relief |
CTGIFM1β | 06/05/24 | Investment Funds and Investment Managers |
CTGFZP1β | 20/05/24 | Free Zone Persons |
CTGDTI1β | 31/07/24 | Determination of Taxable Income |
TPGTR1β | 18/10/24 | Tax Resident and Tax Residency Certificate |
CTGREI1β | 24/10/24 | Real Estate Investment for Natural Persons |
CTGTXR1β | 11/11/24 | Corporate Tax Returns Guide |
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