👉 Executive Regulations

The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (68) of 2024

Concerning the Executive Regulations of the Federal Decree-Law No. (55) of 2023

Having reviewed:

And based on what was presented by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Emirates Media Council, and the approval of the Council of Ministers.

Article (1) Definitions

The definitions stated in the Federal Decree-Law No. (55) of 2023 regarding the regulation of media shall apply to this resolution. Otherwise, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings indicated opposite each of them, unless the context of the Decree-Law otherwise requires:

Word or ExpressionDefinition
Decree-LawFederal Decree-Law No. (55) of 2023 regarding the regulation of media.
Foreign Media OfficesInstitutions or bodies operating in the State under official licenses granted by the competent authority. These institutions and bodies represent foreign media within the State in accordance with relevant laws and legislation.
Age ClassificationA system issued by the Council in coordination with the competent authority to determine the suitability of media content for different age groups and its compliance with the principles and standards of media content.
Media ActivitiesThe activities stipulated in Article (8) of the Decree-Law and Article (27) of this resolution.

Article (2) Controls and Conditions for Licensing the Practice of Media Activity

In addition to the controls and conditions stipulated in Article (5) of the Decree-Law, the following is required to issue a license for practicing media activities:

  1. The application shall be submitted to the Council or the competent authority, as the case may be, by the person in whose name the license will be issued or by their legal representative through the approved electronic means, according to the prepared form, accompanied by the documents and papers supporting the validity of the data contained therein.
  2. The license applicant shall have full legal capacity.
  3. The license applicant shall be of good conduct and behavior and shall not have been previously convicted of a custodial sentence for a felony or a misdemeanor involving honor or trust, unless they have been rehabilitated.
  4. The following documents shall be attached to the application:
    • a. A valid identity card issued in the State for the license applicant and their partners (if any).
    • b. A trade name reservation certificate from the concerned authorities, including the name, legal form, and activity.
    • c. The Memorandum of Association or Articles of Association of the media institution, as the case may be.
    • d. A letter appointing the general manager.
    • e. Filling out the acquaintance document form in the case of practicing activities that require it.
    • f. If the license applicant is a foreign media office, the name and address of its legal representative in the State must be stated, and the legal representative's power of attorney must be submitted, provided that it is certified by a notary public and attested by the State's embassy.
  5. Any other conditions specified by the Council or the competent authority.

Article (3) Deciding on the License Application

  1. The Council or the competent authority, as the case may be, shall consider the application for issuing a license to practice media activities, in accordance with the conditions and controls stipulated in the Decree-Law and this resolution.
  2. The application shall be decided upon within a period not exceeding (3) working days from the date of its submission, fulfilling the conditions and controls.
  3. The decision on the application may be postponed if it requires the approval of the concerned authorities, until those authorities decide on the application.

Article (4) Rejection of License Issuance

The Council or the competent authority, as the case may be, may reject the application for issuing a license in the event of any of the following cases, provided that the rejection decision is justified:

  1. Failure to fulfill any of the licensing controls and conditions stated in the Decree-Law and this resolution.
  2. Rejection by any of the concerned authorities whose approval is required by the legislation for the license.
  3. The existence of a previous suspension or cancellation of the license or closure of a facility related to the media activity belonging to it, or a previous ban from practicing media activity without removing the reasons for the suspension, cancellation, or ban.
  4. Any other cases decided by the Council or the competent authority, as the case may be.

Article (5) Approval of the License Application

In the event of fulfilling the conditions and requirements stated in the Decree-Law and this resolution, the Council or the competent authority, as the case may be, shall issue the license, provided that it includes the following data:

  1. Data of the licensees, including partners or shareholders (if any):
    • a. Name in both Arabic and English.
    • b. Identity card details.
    • c. Phone number and email address.
    • d. Name and legal form if the licensee is a legal person according to the license.
  2. The trade name, media license number and/or commercial license number, licensing authority, emirate, and type of media activity.
  3. The start date and expiry date of the license.
  4. Address and details of the licensee and partners (if any) for the purposes of notification and communication regarding everything related to the license.
  5. Any other data specified by the Council or the competent authority, as the case may be.

Article (6) Informing the License Applicant

  1. The license applicant shall be informed of the decision of the Council or the competent authority, as the case may be, within (3) three working days from the date of its issuance, at the address specified in the application. This notification may be sent to the applicant's email address.
  2. The licensee must notify the Council or the competent authority of any amendment or change to the address and data specified in the license application. In the event of non-compliance, notification to the address specified in the license application shall be considered valid and effective for all prescribed procedures.

Article (7) License Duration and Renewal

  1. The Council or the competent authority, as the case may be, shall issue the license to practice media activities for a calendar year, provided that a license renewal application is submitted (30) thirty days before its expiry date. The renewal shall be in accordance with the same conditions and controls specified for issuing the license for the first time.
  2. The licensee may not continue practicing the licensed media activity from the expiry date of the license until its renewal.
  3. Failure to submit a license renewal application within (90) ninety days from the expiry date of its validity shall result in its cancellation and the imposition of the prescribed fine in this regard, in accordance with the list of violations and administrative penalties issued pursuant to the provisions of the Decree-Law.

Article (8) Disposition of the License

The licensee may not waive or lease the license to others, or make any changes to the partners by addition or substitution, except after obtaining the approval of the Council or the competent authority, as the case may be.

Article (9) License Cancellation

The license shall be canceled in any of the following cases:

  1. Submission of a request for license cancellation to the Council or the competent authority, as the case may be, by the licensee or their legal representative, according to the following conditions:
    • a. Payment of all fines imposed on the licensee, if any.
    • b. Submission of a statement or proof of no objection to the cancellation from the concerned authorities.
  2. Issuance of a final judicial ruling or administrative decision to cancel the license, in accordance with the list of violations and administrative penalties issued pursuant to the provisions of the Decree-Law.
  3. Death of the licensee without nominating a successor in accordance with Article (10) of this resolution.
  4. Failure to submit a license renewal application after (90) ninety days from the expiry date of its validity.
  5. Any other cases decided by the Council or the competent authority, as the case may be.

Article (10) Death of the License Holder

The heirs must notify the Council or the competent authority, as the case may be, of the death of the licensee within (90) ninety days from the date of death.

The media license shall be transferred to the name of the legal heirs by virtue of the inheritance distribution ruling issued by the competent court, and they must amend their status within a period of (90) ninety days from the date of issuance of the ruling.

The license issued by the Council or the competent authority shall be canceled if the heirs do not nominate a successor to the licensee within (90) ninety days from the date of the ruling.

In the event of the death of a partner, the license shall be transferred to the legal heirs by virtue of the inheritance distribution ruling issued by the competent court, and all partners must amend the Memorandum of Association and rectify the situation within (90) ninety days from the date of issuance of the inheritance distribution ruling.

Article (11) Decisions on Permit Applications

The Council or the competent authority, as the case may be, shall consider the application for obtaining the permit within a period not exceeding (15) fifteen working days from the date of submission of the application, and notify the applicant of the decision within (3) three working days from the date of its issuance. The expiry of (15) fifteen working days from the date of submission of the application without a decision of approval or postponement from the Council or the competent authority shall be considered an implicit rejection of the application.

The decision on the application may be postponed if it requires the approval of the concerned authorities, until those authorities decide on the application, provided that the applicant is notified of this within the period specified for considering the application in accordance with paragraph (1) of this Article.

Article (12) Rejection of Permit Issuance

The Council or the competent authority, as the case may be, may reject the application for issuing the permit in any of the following cases:

  1. Failure to fulfill the conditions and requirements for the permit stipulated in the Decree-Law and this resolution.
  2. Lack of approval from any of the concerned authorities whose approval is required by the legislation for the permit.
  3. Any other cases decided by the Council or the competent authority, as the case may be.

Article (13) Permit Validity Period

The permit validity period shall be for the same period specified for practicing the media activity, as determined by the Council or the competent authority, as the case may be. One permit shall be granted for each application.

Article (14) Permit Cancellation

The permit shall be canceled in any of the following cases:

  1. If the permittee makes any modifications to the content approved by the Council or the competent authority, as the case may be, without obtaining prior approval.
  2. Issuance of a final administrative decision to cancel the permit for non-compliance with the media content standards stated in the Decree-Law and this resolution, and in accordance with the list of violations and administrative penalties issued pursuant to the provisions of the Decree-Law.
  3. Any other cases decided by the Council or the competent authority, as the case may be.

Article (15) Conditions for Licensing Radio and Television Broadcasting Activities

The applicant must fulfill the following conditions to obtain a license from the competent authority to practice radio and television broadcasting activities:

  1. The application shall be submitted through the approved electronic means, according to the prepared form, accompanied by all required documents and papers.
  2. Specify the proposed name for the channel or station, its headquarters, and the language of broadcasting.
  3. Submit the data required by the competent authority about the applicant, their partners (if any), and the employees working with them, and their previous experiences, according to the specified form.
  4. Program plans when applying for license issuance and renewal.
  5. Approval from the Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA) for the technical specifications and technologies used in the broadcast.
  6. Any other conditions specified by the competent authority.

Article (16) Obligations of the Licensee Practicing Radio and Television Broadcasting Activity

The licensee practicing radio and television broadcasting activity shall adhere to the following:

  1. Adhere to the media content standards stipulated in the Decree-Law and this resolution.
  2. Adhere to the frequency allocated to them by the Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA), the specified geographical coverage area for broadcasting, and the specified technical standards for frequency usage.
  3. Maintain a record containing all programs broadcast by the licensee during (12) twelve consecutive months, including the date and time those programs were broadcast, and provide the Council and the competent authority with any programs they request for review, within the timeframe specified in the request.
  4. Display the station logo during television broadcasts and announce the station name and frequency used during radio broadcast hours.
  5. Respect the moral, artistic, and intellectual property rights of individuals and institutions.
  6. Adhere to instructions issued by the concerned authorities in cases of emergencies or crises.
  7. Any other obligations specified by the competent authority.

Article (17) Conditions to obtain a permit to practice the activity of exhibiting films and other artistic works

The applicant must fulfill the following controls and conditions to obtain a permit to practice the activity of exhibiting films and other artistic works:

  • a. The application shall be submitted to the Council through the approved electronic means, according to the prepared form, accompanied by the documents and papers supporting the validity of the data contained therein.
  • b. Attach the license issued to practice the media activity.
  • c. Any other conditions specified by the Council.

The same provisions governing the granting of permits stated in Articles (11, 12, 13, and 14) of this resolution and the resolutions issued pursuant to it shall apply to the granting of permits for practicing the activity of exhibiting films and other artistic works.

Article (18) Obligations of the Permittee Practicing the Activity of Exhibiting Films and Other Artistic Works

The permittee practicing the activity of exhibiting films and other artistic works shall adhere to the following:

  1. Adhere to the age classification when exhibiting films and other artistic works.
  2. Not include films in the screening schedule or offer tickets for sale except after obtaining a screening permit from the Council.
  3. Not circulate any film before screening it in cinemas except after obtaining a permit from the Council.
  4. Not circulate films and other artistic works in any public or private place accessible to the public except after obtaining a permit from the Council.

Article (19) Script Approval for Artistic Works

A script approval permit must be obtained from the Council before commencing any film or theatrical artistic work, in accordance with the following procedures:

  1. Submission of the application by the person in whose name the permit will be issued or by their legal representative.
  2. Attaching an electronic copy of the script (film script, theatrical script).
  3. Any other documents or papers specified by the Council.

Article (20) Newspapers and Publications

The applicant must fulfill the following conditions to obtain a license from the competent authority to practice newspaper and publication activities:

  1. The application shall be submitted through the approved electronic means, according to the prepared form, accompanied by all required documents and papers.
  2. Each newspaper or publication must have an editor-in-chief who fulfills the following conditions:
    • a. Holds an academic qualification from a university or higher institute recognized in the State.
    • b. Has practical experience of no less than one year.
    • c. Is of good conduct and behavior.
  3. The license holder may be the editor-in-chief if they fulfill the conditions stipulated in paragraph (2) of this Article.
  4. The name of the license holder, the name of the editor-in-chief, the issue number, the place and date of publication, and the name of the printing press shall be placed in a prominent location in the printed or electronic publication or newspaper.
  5. It is prohibited to use names and descriptions that lead to similarity with the name or title of another natural or legal person.
  6. Ministries, federal or local government entities, and public benefit institutions, if they wish to issue newspapers and publications for the purpose of achieving financial profit, must obtain a license from the competent authority.
  7. Adhere to the media content standards stated in the Decree-Law and this resolution.
  8. Any other conditions specified by the competent authority.

Article (21) Permits for land, aerial, or marine filming activities

The competent authority shall issue permits for land, aerial, or marine filming activities, in accordance with the following controls and procedures:

  1. The application shall be submitted through the approved electronic means, according to the prepared form, accompanied by all required documents and papers, (15) fifteen working days before the specified date to commence filming.
  2. Fill out the data form correctly.
  3. The submitted application shall specify the purpose of filming (film/television report/program/series/advertisement/video clip or any other purpose).
  4. The submitted application shall specify the start and end dates of filming and the locations to be filmed in detail.
  5. Submit an authorization letter or official letter from the implementing or supervising entity (inside or outside the State), if any.
  6. Attach the script approval permit issued by the Council for films and plays or by the competent authority for series.
  7. The permittee must adhere to the media content standards stated in the Decree-Law and this resolution.
  8. Any other conditions specified by the competent authority.

Article (22) Book Fairs

Entities wishing to organize book fairs must adhere to the following conditions and controls:

  1. Submit a permit application to the competent authority on the prepared form, including the required data and documents.
  2. The applicant must hold a license for organizing exhibitions from the competent authority to practice the required activity.
  3. The exhibited books must adhere to the media content standards stipulated in the Decree-Law and this resolution.
  4. It is prohibited to carry out any promotional activities for the fair, including advertising in all its forms, before obtaining a permit from the competent authority.

Article (23) Foreign Publications

In addition to the controls and conditions specified in Article (15) of the Decree-Law, the Council shall issue licenses to local and foreign individuals, establishments, and media institutions wishing to reprint foreign publications issued from outside the State, in accordance with the following controls and conditions:

  1. The application shall be submitted through the approved electronic means, according to the prepared form, accompanied by all required documents and papers.
  2. Provide the details of the printing press and the owner of the foreign publication. Specify the number of copies to be printed.
  3. Any other controls or conditions specified by the Council.

Article (24) Controls and Conditions for Licensing Foreign Media Offices

In addition to the controls and conditions stipulated in Article (5) of the Decree-Law, the following is required to issue a license for foreign media offices:

  1. The application shall be submitted to the competent authority through the approved electronic means, according to the prepared form, accompanied by the documents and papers supporting the validity of the data contained therein.
  2. The submitted application shall specify the type of media outlet that the office will represent in the State.
  3. Each office shall have a director, appointed after the approval of the competent authority, according to the following conditions:
    • a. The director's age shall not be less than (25) twenty-five calendar years. The competent authority may grant exceptions to this condition.
    • b. The director shall hold a suitable academic qualification, as determined by the competent authority.
    • c. An appointment letter from the original foreign media outlet in the country of origin, provided that it is certified by a notary public and attested by the State's embassy.
  4. Specify the names and details of the employees working in the office.
  5. Specify the names of the correspondents and journalists working in the office. They shall be appointed after the approval of the competent authority, according to the conditions it specifies.
  6. The directors, correspondents, and journalists working in the offices may not be changed except after the approval of the competent authority and the accreditation of the new director, correspondent, and journalist.
  7. Any other conditions specified by the competent authority.

Article (25) Controls on the Work of Correspondents and Journalists Working in Licensed Foreign Media Offices in the State

  1. To practice work as a correspondent or journalist for any of the foreign media offices, it is required to obtain a permit from the competent authority for a period of one year, renewable for a similar period upon the request of the office.
  2. Correspondents and journalists authorized to work for foreign media offices must observe the following controls:
    • a. The news they issue shall be objective and documented.
    • b. It is prohibited to harm the national security of the State or cause anything that prejudices the State's relations with other countries, international, regional, and local bodies and organizations, or individuals.
    • c. Adhere to the media content standards stipulated in the Decree-Law and this resolution.
    • d. Any other controls specified by the competent authority.
  3. The competent authority shall register the correspondents and journalists affiliated with foreign media offices in a register prepared for this purpose.

Article (26) Unregistered Foreign Correspondents and Journalists

  1. The Council shall issue permits for foreign correspondents and journalists who are not registered in the State and are not affiliated with licensed foreign media offices in the State, in accordance with the following:
    • a. The unregistered foreign correspondent or journalist in the State shall submit an application to the Council through the approved electronic means, according to the prepared form, accompanied by all documents and papers supporting the validity of the data contained therein.
    • b. Attach a letter from the media institution outside the State stating that the foreign correspondent and journalist represent it to cover events and activities within the State.
  2. The permit shall be for a specific period and shall expire at the end of the event or activity.
  3. Unregistered foreign correspondents and journalists in the State must observe the same controls stipulated in paragraph (2) of Article (25) of this resolution.
  4. Any other controls specified by the Council.

Article (27) Other Media Activities

The Council shall issue licenses for the following media activities:

  • a. Distribution, publication, and trade of audio recordings and media.
  • b. Sale of audio recordings and media.
  • c. Distribution, publication, and trade of video recordings and visual media.
  • d. Sale of video recordings and visual media.
  • e. Trade of video games.
  • f. Sale of video games.
  • g. Design and production of advertisements of all kinds.
  • h. Establishment of a cinema.
  • i. Establishment of a temporary cinema.
  • j. Import and distribution of films, documentaries, and cartoons.
  • k. Translation and dubbing of artistic works.
  • l. Media and advertising consultations and studies.

It is prohibited to practice any of the media activities stipulated in this Article before obtaining approval from the Council.

Article (28) Media Content Standards

In addition to the media content standards stipulated in Article (17) of the Decree-Law, everyone practicing an activity or profession in the field of media must adhere to the following:

  1. Not glorify groups with destructive political, ethnic, economic, ideological, or social orientations against the State and serving their own interests.
  2. Choose suitable individuals when hosting them or accepting their interventions in the media.
  3. The content of the advertisement must respect the culture, identity, and values of the State.
  4. Observe the age classification for artistic works approved by the Council.
  5. Respect the rights of the child in accordance with the applicable legislation in the State.
  6. Any other standards specified by the Council.

Article (29) Printing, Circulation, and Publication of Media Content

The competent authority shall issue permits for printing, circulating, and publishing media content, in accordance with the following controls and procedures:

  1. The application shall be submitted by the person in whose name the permit will be issued or by their legal representative through the approved means, according to the prepared form, accompanied by the documents and papers supporting the validity of the data contained therein.
  2. Attach a copy of the media content requested to be printed, circulated, or published, and any other documents or papers specified by the competent authority.

The same provisions governing the granting of permits stated in Articles (11, 12, 13, and 14) of this resolution and the resolutions issued pursuant to it shall apply to the granting of permits for practicing the activity of printing, circulating, and publishing media content.

Article (30) Script Approval for Series

A script approval permit for a series must be obtained from the competent authority before commencing filming or recording any of the works within the State, in accordance with the following procedures:

  • a. Submission of the application by the person in whose name the permit will be issued or by their legal representative through the approved means, according to the prepared form, accompanied by the documents and papers supporting the validity of the data contained therein.
  • b. Attaching an electronic copy of the script (series script).
  • c. Any other documents or papers specified by the competent authority.

The competent authority may reject the script approval for series if it finds that it violates public order and morals or customs and traditions in the State.

Article (31) Printing, Circulation, and Publication of Foreign Media Content

The Council shall issue permits for printing, circulating, and publishing foreign media content, in accordance with the following controls and procedures:

  1. The application shall be submitted by the person in whose name the permit will be issued or by their legal representative through the approved means, according to the prepared form, accompanied by the documents and papers supporting the validity of the data contained therein.

  2. The following shall be attached to the application:

    • a. The media license to practice the required media activity.
    • b. A copy of the foreign media content requested to be printed, circulated, or published.
    • c. Any other documents or papers specified by the Council.

The same provisions governing the granting of permits stated in Articles (11, 12, 13, and 14) of this resolution and the resolutions issued pursuant to it shall apply to the granting of permits for practicing the activity of printing, circulating, and publishing foreign media content.

Article (32) Violating Media Content Broadcast through Unlicensed Foreign Media

In the event that any unlicensed foreign media outlet broadcasts media content received in the State that violates the media content standards stated in the Decree-Law and this resolution, the Council shall take the following measures as it deems appropriate, without adhering to the order:

  1. The Council shall address the counterpart entity through diplomatic channels regarding the violating content of the foreign media outlet and request preventing its signal from reaching or being accessible in the State.
  2. The Council reserves the right to take legal measures by pursuing legal action against the violating foreign media outlet.
  3. The Council, in coordination with the competent authorities in the State, may block the foreign media outlet and prevent its signal from reaching the State.

Article (33) Advertising and Promotion Conditions and Controls

It is prohibited to publish any advertisement or promotion that violates the media content standards stipulated in the Decree-Law and this resolution or that may harm the public interest directly or indirectly. Individuals, establishments, and media institutions, including media free zones, must adhere to the following conditions and controls:

  1. The advertisement shall not be vague, ambiguous, or lack clear meaning.
  2. The advertisement shall not include or contain incorrect or misleading claims, or resort to exaggeration, claiming exclusivity, disparaging competitors, or anything that involves suspicion of fraud and deception.
  3. The advertisement shall not contain forged, imitated, or wrongfully placed marks, signs, or images.
  4. It shall be truthful and not exaggerated, and shall not lead to confusion or mixing - in any way - with other names, products, or activities.
  5. It shall not involve a crime or violate the media content standards and age classification in force in this regard.
  6. The nature of the advertisements must be clearly identified. They must appear distinct and separate from other editorial and media materials. Boundaries should separate advertisements from any other material, and time intervals should be used in the case of broadcasts.
  7. In the case of advertisements that directly or indirectly involve the promotion, advertisement, or endorsement by the person or the advertised entity of a particular product or service, the advertiser must clearly disclose whether there is any financial return within a commercial relationship with the person or entity owning the advertised product or service.
  8. The conditions and controls regarding the use of the State flag, symbols, emblem, and national anthem must be observed.
  9. The advertisement shall not include promotion of prohibited alcoholic beverages, narcotic drugs, tobacco, or smoking in any way, whether directly or indirectly.
  10. The necessity of obtaining approval from the concerned entity while adhering to the requirements imposed by those entities in the following cases:
    • a. Real estate advertisements.
    • b. Advertisements for medical products, clinics, hospitals, or health or pharmaceutical products or services.
    • c. Advertisements related to securities and financial services.
    • d. Advertisements related to providing educational services.
    • e. Advertisements related to food products.
    • f. Any other advertisements specified by the Council or the competent authority.

Article (34) Cancellations

Any provision that contradicts or conflicts with the provisions of this resolution is hereby canceled.

Article (35) Publication and Implementation of the Resolution

This resolution shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall come into effect (3) three months after the date of its publication.

Prime Minister

Issued: Date: 4 / Dhu al-Hijjah / 1445 AH Corresponding to: 20 / June / 2024 AD

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